Work from Home Ideas for Moms

When you are a one income family, every extra penny helps. A few extra dollars here and there can help with the grocery bill or even the buy a little something extra for you or your kids. But with a busy schedule, it can be a little difficult to make that extra money. Here are ways to help make a little extra money in your spare time.

shopify seo dropshipping

SEO Guide For Shopify Dropshipping Beginners

You can use search engine optimization — SEO, to improve the search engine ranking for your store and help customers find your products. This means taking steps in your Shopify…

sell makeup online

How to Sell Makeup and Beauty Products Online

Start Selling Makeup and Beauty Products Online Today I hope to catch your eye with product suggestions from a category that gets incredible orders in the dropshipping universe. And I’m…

Instagram Captions Engagement

How to Write Good Instagram Captions

5 Great Tips to Improve Instagram Engagement Here’s a riddle: What’s only 125 characters long yet has the power to get you sales? Instagram captions! Today I’m writing about Instagram…

Conversion Rates Shopify

Shopify Conversion Rates

First impressions can make or break your business, especially regarding e-commerce. The layout of your website, the colors you use, and what you decide to share about yourself as a…

Start a Print on Demand Business

Sell print-on-demand books with Shopify. You could start a print-on-demand business by Monday, get your website up and running by Tuesday, and start making sales by the end of the…

Aliexpress Dropshipping Tips

Aliexpress Dropshipping Tips

Today, let’s discuss six important Aliexpress dropshipping tips for new sellers when they start dropshipping in their own AliExpress store. If you don’t use these six tips, they may cost…

I continue to get seriously frustrated as I see people promote products or services that promise that their system will do the work for you, or insinuating that passive income means that you will make money while sipping pina coladas. While there might come a day when your business will earn revenue while you sit poolside, it will only be if you treat your business as a business, and that means working on it on a regular basis.

Of course, the luxury of working at home means that you can haul your laptop out to the pool to get work done – and it is this freedom that entices millions of people to try to find that elusive work at home opportunity that will rake in the bucks on 10 hours a week. In reality it’s more like 50 hours a week – especially in the early stages. Starting an internet business is just like starting a brick and mortar business. In fact, in some ways it is harder, because you will have to overcome consumers inherent distrust of internet businesses (of which you can thank the people who post pictures of themselves sipping pina coladas by their pool next to stacks of cash… but I digress… ).

If I haven’t scared you away yet, then you just might make it. While being an internet entrepreneur is challenging, a lot of hard work, and takes a long time to build to fruition, it IS worth it. I get to walk my kids to school and work next to my fireplace in the winter & next to open french doors in the summer. I never sit in rush hour traffic, and I spend less than $40 a month on gas (for my SUV!). I can take time off whenever I want, and because I have worked thousands of hours to build a strong business with multiple streams of income, I know that I will earn money even when I am away. And just so you know, it’s taken me over 2 years to get here, and there’s still a long way to go before I am a millionaire.

As I said last time, the key to getting up and running in a work at home business is to leverage your current skills into your business model. Don’t expect to know everything; you will be learning new things every single day. But do maximize what you already know so that you can hit the ground running.

All of these ideas (with the exception of buying a franchise) can be started with simply a computer and some minor software purchases. A few require training or certifications beyond the scope of the particular business model.