33 x 3 Method

Amazing 33 x 3 Manifestation Method

Law of Attraction: 33 x 3 Method

There are so many amazing law of attraction rituals that you can use to manifest literally ANYTHING you desire. One of my favorite ways to “speed boost” a manifestation is by using the 33 x 3 method. It is a super straightforward and easy technique to manifest a specific goal of yours.

What is the technique?

You’re going to need a pen and some paper.

What you’re going to do is take something you’re trying to Manifestation and write it over and over again as an affirmation in the present tense. A few examples are “I am so happy I found my soulmate” or “I am so grateful I got hired for a new job.” You must write your affirmation 33 times in a row for 3 days in a row. The 33 times must be done consecutively without stopping.

The length of the exercise depends on how long your phrase is and how fast you write, but for me, it usually can take up to 30 minutes. You are going to focus exclusively on your desire and nothing else. If you find your mind wandering, gently bring it back to your writing affirmation. The main goal of this technique is FOCUS.

Why does this work?

The 33 x 3 exercise forces you to focus your attention and energy into your chosen desire while writing it out that it cannot help but manifest. Setting your intention is key. With your written affirmation, you give it energy and momentum so that it can become a reality.

It is important to note that this technique is powerful all because of focus, so you must only use this for one desire at a time. If you try to use this with multiple manifestations, your focus is stretched too thin and it is likely your desire will not manifest as fast as you would like.

Your chosen affirmation must be short, specific, and in the present tense. Write as if you already have your desire, and add emotion to how accomplishing this desire makes you feel.

For example, instead of saying “I received a raise at work,” you should say “I am so excited I received a raise at work.” Imagine the feeling you would have when you attain your desire and write that feeling into your affirmation.

So many people have had incredible success with this method, I guarantee you will too!

Why do you recommend the 33 x 3 method over the 55 x 5 method?

Writing anything, even a small phrase, 55 times in a row is tiring. My hand hurts around the 20th time I’m writing the phrase, which would start to make me irritable. Instead of focusing on my desire, my mind would think about how many phrases I have left to write, how far behind I am, and how my hand was in pain. This would affect my mood negatively.

Any manifestation exercise or tool you use is above all else, intended to make you feel good. The 55 x 5 method would do the exact opposite for me. It would affect my energy negatively and by the time I would finish, I had more of a sense of tiredness and relief of finishing rather than the joy and happiness necessary to manifest what I had written down. Honestly, I myself never had success until I changed to using the 33 x 3 method.

The 33 x 3 method worked for me because it is much shorter and I found myself remaining focused on my desire without any negative emotions creeping in. I think it’s a more compact method, but nevertheless powerful. Of all the times I used the 33 x 3 method, it never once failed me. So, why work harder and frustrate yourself writing a phrase 55 times for 5 days when you can get the same results at a faster rate writing 33 times for 3 days? For me, the choice is clear.

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