5 Reasons Why Every Blogger Needs a Virtual Assistant

You know that running a blog is more than just writing posts and hoping that people read them.  As you’ve built your blog, you’ve probably found out that other tasks, like social media, graphics, product reviews, and other miscellaneous things have taken on a life of their own, and are sometimes keeping you from doing the writing that you love to do.  Whether you are a big time blogger, or one who is just starting out, every blogger needs a virtual assistant, and here’s why.

  1. Blogging is Complicated!

As mentioned, running a blog is way more than just writing posts.  There are a multitude of other tasks needed to keep everything running smoothly and to keep money coming in.  A virtual assistant can help you with nearly all of those things! Just think: sponsor and affiliate research, formatting posts, creating branded images, design services, email management, social media scheduling and Pinterest management could all be taken off of your plate in a matter of minutes when you hire a virtual assistant!

  1. Blogging is More than a Full Time Gig

You’ve likely spent many evenings, weekends, and early mornings working on your blog.  If you are a full-time blogger, maybe you wish you had more time with your family, or more time to learn about photography or some other needed skill.  If you blog part-time, you probably just wish that you weren’t spending all of your free time working!  Hiring a virtual assistant will allow you to get back some of your time, so that you can do the things that you really want to do.  Work/Life balance does exist!

  1. Two Heads are Better Than One

A Virtual Assistant is a freelancer who has worked with other bloggers and entrepreneurs, and will often be able to help you figure out better ways of doing things or find other freelancers to help with complicated problems.  Think of your VA like a partner! Most of us love it when you ask our opinion or ask for suggestions.

  1. You Can’t Afford to Miss an Opportunity

Let’s be completely honest: Running a successful blog means that you are making money.  Your income producing tasks should come first, but what if you have more than one opportunity at the same time?  Or what if opportunities are coming in faster than you can handle them? A virtual assistant can write that sponsored post or review that product or respond to those sponsor emails – even when you’re on vacation or otherwise unavailable!

  1. You Aren’t Expected to be Good at Everything.

So you write beautiful articles and really enjoy reviewing products, but you kind of stink at creating images to go with your posts.  Or maybe you are a master at writing recipes and photographing them, but social media is a little bit over your head sometimes.  Don’t worry, it’s OK!  Hiring a virtual assistant to do those things that you aren’t very good at will take some of the stress away, all while helping to build your blog into the thriving business that you want it to be.

I’ve told you some of the reasons why every blogger needs a virtual assistant, and I hope that many of the reasons above resonate with you.  If you’ve never considered using a virtual assistant for your blog, maybe now you have some ideas of what one can help you with!

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