Google Adsense for Mommy Bloggers

Alternatives to Google Adsense for Mommy Bloggers

The majority of blog owners follow a simple formula that is based on how the periodical or media industries, (magazines, newspapers, television, radio, etc), traditionally operate; they try to get as many readers, listeners, clients and customers as possible.  Then they try to find companies who want to purchase advertising, and that’s when they rake in the BIG profits.


The formula works well, but the key to its success is related to the size of the audience – the more people reading, watching or listening to your media, the more potential customers are available to purchase your advertiser’s services or products.  And the more popular your website, magazine, newspaper, TV show, or radio show is, the more money you can charge to your advertisers.

That’s the very reason why this formula doesn´t always work well in the blogging world. Sure, the HUGE BLOGGERS like Huffington Post, The Verge, or Business Insider can play the game in the traditional way, because they have MILLIONS of readers, and therefore, MILLIONS of page clicks and opportunities to sell ads.   And they have access to an ENORMOUS QUANTITY OF CONTENT which is needed to process all the information, news, updates, etc. necessary to keep their readership up, and their blogs current.

How many readers visit your site in a daily basis?  How often do you publish new content?


 If it hasn’t already occurred to you as you’ve been reading this article…an individual blogger would be insane to try to accomplish this kind of undertaking. Sure, maybe in the past it was possible, but the public’s expectations have changed over the years. Readers want the content faster than you could ever deliver on a daily basis. And even if you could do it…it would mean that you would be chained to your computer desk for 20 hours a day as you tried to churn out one blog post after the other.  What kind of a life is that?

Better to leave this formula to the big guys who have the money to employ professional journalists and editors.

OK, so perhaps we’ve been successful in convincing you that this content model is not the way to go. But now we want to explain why you also have to give up the revenue generating side of the traditional formula. The way that many small bloggers think is the best model to make money is by filling up their pages with display ads and Google Adsense.


 Look, I’m going to be honest with you…I’ve made excellent money by having advertising on my blog, and I’ve shared my tactics with other bloggers. It’s a tempting option, and the idea of earning some passive income that seems to come your way with very little effort appeals to a lot of bloggers.

But what you’re not noticing when you choose to work within the constraints of the advertising model is that it has an intrinsic flaw: its very purpose is to encourage your traffic to LEAVE your blog in pursuit of another interest or product.

Why is this a problem?

Well, when you take a moment to analyze the situation you will remember that in order to make money, you need to keep your traffic at a HIGH LEVEL of volume.  Think about it: you’ve spent a lot of your personal time and money to get people to visit your blog. Now you’re opening a door to let them spend their cash on other products and services that AREN’T YOURS?

How silly is that?

Have you ever considered how many visitors you will need PER DAY to be able to make a comfortable living from advertising income only? You might be shocked to learn that you would need a MINIMUM of 3,200 visitors per day in the majority of business sectors, and in some business sectors even 5,400 wouldn’t be sufficient.

Guess how many visitors the average small blog receives on a daily basis? Less than 1,000.

Hopefully now you are beginning to really understand that advertising IS NOT the way to make income from your blog.

Have You Ever Heard the Phrase ¨Less is More?¨

There is a way a small blog can have great financial success with as little as 100-200 visitors a day.  How is it possible?

You follow a model that is diametrically opposed to what the other revenue models are doing!

Simply put: Sell your own products and services, and by doing so, you keep your visitors for yourself. This allows you to increase your sales conversion rate with a much smaller level of traffic.

Typical Companies Know This Secret

The best way to make money online is to sell something to EXISTING customers. You have a captive audience each time a new visitor stops onto your blog page. KEEP THEM THERE by offering a product or a service that they are already showing an interest in! Don’t give them the opportunity to click on someone else´s advertisement – when you do, you lose your advantage!

I’m sure you want to help your readers by offering free useful information on your blog, information that you have spent your entire day working on, but isn’t the real purpose of your hard work TO MAKE SOME MONEY? How long will you be able to keep up your pace and interest if you have no profits?

It’s all fine and good that you, as a blogger, want to create close meaningful relationships with your readers. Just tweak it a bit so these become meaningful CUSTOMER relationships.  Develop a new type of relationship in which your readers become your clients.

A low traffic blog can make real money when it´s selling products or services to existing interested visitors/customers.

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