Link Parties – Driving Traffic to your Blog

What is a Link Party and how can it help me as a blogger?

If you’re a blogger you may have heard of a link party or linky parties. Have no clue what that is? I didn’t at first either. However, linking parties are extremely beneficial to any blogger. If you’re curious what a link party is and would like to learn the basics, you’ve come to the right place! Below you will find some useful information in learning the ins and outs of linking parties.

What is a Link Party?

A link party is where a specific blog hosts a “get together” and allows other bloggers to submit a link to their own content. For example, if you have a recipe that did really well on your site, you can use that link and submit it to multiple linking parties which will allow that blogger’s traffic to view your link and visit your site if they’re interested enough. This will not only increase your traffic but it will also get you noticed by other bloggers. Make sure you choose great content, especially your photos. You do not want your thumbnail showing up and paling in comparison to everyone else’s. You want it to be gorgeous enough that they want to keep coming back to your blog for more.

How do I Find Link Parties?

Ask fellow bloggers if they have linking parties they use. Facebook is also a great way to find linking parties. Try joining a few blogging groups and you will find that you can obtain information a lot quicker that way. I also suggest simply Googling it. Type in the search engine “link parties” and you will have plenty of sites to visit concerning linking parties. Try to shoot for bigger blogs. The bigger the blogs, the more competitive it is to get your link submitted but it’s worth it. For bigger blogs, you will need to find out what time the linking party starts and be ready to submit immediately upon it opening.

Are there any Rules I should know about?

Every host has their own set of guidelines for those wanting to submit a link. Following the rules is important and may involve things such as, needing to post their button on your site, signing up for their emailing list, etc. Some unspoken etiquette is visiting the other bloggers who linked up, leaving comments, and placing a link on your website leading back to the blogger who hosted the linking party.

Link parties are a great way to not only grow your blog but to connect with other bloggers while increasing your traffic. Blogging is all about networking and link parties are one of the number one ways to get that network flowing!

I have been hosting a Link Party for 3 years called Gluten Free Fridays. You can link up any gluten free recipe you’d like each week. You don’t have to be a GF blogger to participate, just as long as the recipe is GF.

At my party, each recipe gets tweeted, pinned and YUMMed. Think of it as an investment to your social media campaign!

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