Join Our Dad & Mom Network of Bloggers

Influential Network of Moms and Dads That Blog

Mom Bloggers Network is changing the way online influencers (you!) interact with brands (for real).

As an influential mom or dad blogger, you know that brands want to work with you. And you ALSO know that there are all kinds of ways to monetize your awesome, unique, compelling, and really pretty content. We want to help you do just that.

“Social media has become so pervasive [among moms], it’s now fundamental to the way today’s moms live their lives. Today’s mom is the most influential and social consumer you’ll meet.”

We want to ensure that our members are able to easily monetize content wherever they’re you’re creating it.

So yes. We offer you the opportunity to write sponsored blog posts and participate in amazingly fun, creative, and well-paid branded-content campaigns…But we offer a lot more than that.

In the coming months, Special Moms is expanding to offer an entire suite of products available only to Special Moms members. You’ll be able to log in to the Special Moms dashboard and select from a variety of options designed to help you grow your influence, and get paid to do it.

Imagine a world where Special Moms offers exclusive access to:

  • Display ads
  • Inline text & photo monetization
  • Personal mobile apps (optimized for ad revenue)
  • Content syndication
  • Video channels with ad streams

…and a host of other offerings. All designed with you, Special Moms, in mind. Pretty exciting, isn’t it?

Regional Mom Blogs

Family Travel Guides

Blog Standards and Guidelines

We Are Currently Seeking Bloggers Who:

  • Are U.S.-based*
  • Have a clear point of view
  • Post only original content (we do not accept sites with re-posted content or cut-and-pasted press releases)
  • Devote 50% or more to original (non-sponsored and non-brand-related) content
  • Post regularly: approximately once/a week
  • Receive (roughly) a minimum of 10,000 Monthly Impressions (which can be pulled from Google Analytics’ “Sessions”)
  • Show evidence of readership engagement (comments, active Twitter and Facebook accounts, etc.)
  • Have been blogging longer than ~6 months
  • Have both a Twitter and Facebook account through which they can amplify blog posts
  • Have good, clean design. This means blogs:
    • Are easy to read, both: in layout (original content should be easy to find) and color scheme (light text on dark backgrounds is not preferred)
    • Load quickly
    • Have a standard-sized header (approx 1-2.5″)
    • Are uncluttered
    • Host a minimum number of animated badges
    • Have some design elements: of course, not everyone is a designer (and design is subjective!) but preference will be given to blogs that show attention to detail and personality
  • In addition, blogs must:
    • Not display egregious typos or grammatical errors
    • Have 50% or more of the page design devoted to content, versus ads or badges
    • Use some language (not photos-only) and some visuals (not words-only)
    • Have comments enabled on most content-driven posts

We Do Not Accept:

  • Businesses/Company blogs
  • Contest-only blogs
  • Blogs hosted at (please see why here)

We May Not Accept:

  • Blogs running ads that preclude the use of sponsored content on your main blog
  • Blogs that focus primarily on reviews, discounts, coupons, or contests

We Seek Members Who Are Influential Online In General!

Preference is given to members who have at least one of the following, with demonstrable activity and engagement:

  • Instagram
  • Pinterest

NOTE:  You do NOT have to have a blog to become a member of Special Moms, but a majority of our current opportunities are blogger-based.


*We love International bloggers and our Canadian neighbors to the north, of course. (Serious, true love.) Unfortunately, we have ALSO learned that our clients are predominantly U.S.-based AND have entirely separate teams who work with non-U.S. influencers. We try to include global campaigns whenever we can, but given how limited these opportunities are we’ve decided to stop accepting non-U.S. members — it’s simply not fair to you. We hope this will change in the future!

Apply here, or learn more about what we’re looking for by clicking any of the links above.