How to Start a Mommy Blog That Actually Makes You Money

If you’ve found your way onto this page then I’m guessing that at some point the thought of starting a blog or making money online has crossed your mind.

No doubt, too, that along with that thought has come some disbelief and doubt that you—or anyone else for that matter—can actually make money blogging.

In fact, a lot of people compare building a profitable mommy blog to being some kind of impossible task…

I’m here to tell you that you can make money blogging, though. I know you can, because I’ve done it. And, I’ve done it with multiple blogs & websites, in multiple niches.

It has changed my life…

Through blogging, I have been able to make enough money so that I can stay home with our son (and we have another boy on the way!), take my family on multiple vacations, have the flexibility of a schedule I create, and create financial freedom for my family.

And, if I can do it, so can you…

So, this page was made by me, for you, in order to provide you with a complete step-by-step process of building a profitable blog.

Already know what you want to blog about? All you need now is hosting! If you’re just starting out I recommend a basic hosting package from Siteground (50% off link). You can check there to see if your domain name is available.

Picking a Topic & Setting Up Your Blog

A lot of people go out and start a random blog on a free blogging platform like Blogger, or Tumblr, or the free version of WordPress and, if you’re just looking to start a blog for fun, that’s okay. However, if you want to make money as a blogger, you need to A) focus on a certain topic (preferably one you enjoy and are familiar with), and B) own your own domain name.

Start a Mom Blog topics

In this first section, I will walk you through how to setup a profitable blog. Then, once you’re blog is setup correctly, in the next section I will take you through the steps you need to take in order to start making a monthly income from your blog.

Read About How to Choose a Focus & Set Up Your Blog 

Content Creation & Content Promotion

Now that your blog is setup correctly, the real work begins. In order to make money with your blog, you need to have excellent content. However, the concept that “Content is Queen” is somewhat flawed in that it convinces some that all you need to do is produce great content.

Start a Mom Blog: Content Creation

That, of course, isn’t true. Along with great content, you need to be able to promote it well.

The better you promote your content the more people you will get and the more earning potential your blog will have.

In this section I’ll walk you through how to come up with a content strategy, how to create a social media strategy, how to produce high quality content, and how to promote your content well.

Read About Content Creation

Read About Content Promotion

Rinse and Repeat

You’ve done your research, you’ve picked a profitable topic, you’ve bought a domain & hosting, you’ve setup and designed your blog, you’ve come up with a content strategy, you’ve created your first few pieces of content, and you’ve promoted it like a boss…

You have now come much further than most people ever will to successfully building a profitable blog.

But your work is really just beginning.

You see, producing content and promoting that content is the name of the game. And, the more content you produce, and the more you promote it, the better your results will be.

The good news, though, is that producing content and promoting it is all you have to do now.

Our Mommy Blog Tips

So, now that you have your blog setup and now that you know the game, it’s time for you to get out there an become the next big successful mommy blogger. Here are some additional blog posts to help you on your journey.

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Questions or Comments? Post Them Below!

There are so many different aspects of each of the steps involved with starting a profitable mom blog that it would take an even bigger guide than this one to cover every minute detail in its entirety.

So, if you are confused on a certain step, or are unsure about something specific in this guide, please post a question below in the comments. That way, I can try and give you the answer you need and others who might have a similar question will also get the answer they were looking for.

Not to mention, seeking clarification on a concept in this guide that you don’t understand will give me better insight on what areas of the guide I can improve and better explain.

Ultimately, though, if you follow this guide, you will be well on your way to building your own profitable mommy blog.

Check Out some of the Best Moms Blogs

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