Best Lawyer Moms Blogs

Top 25 Lawyer Moms Blogs

Best Lawyer Moms Blogs & Websites To Follow

Any female lawyer who is also a mother will tell you that the word “juggling” is appropriate. Without the added complication of motherhood, a legal career is already difficult. Some of these blogs discuss legal issues, while others discuss the difficulties of being a working mother. Some are written by women who work in law firms, while others are written by women who left the legal profession to be stay-at-home mothers.

The depth of empathy from a mother lawyer that distinguishes her from other lawyers. Speaking with many attorney-mothers, I frequently hear that they learn to see the world through the eyes of a mother, who sees the world as their child might inherit it, rather than the eyes of a professional woman. Understanding the client’s needs can suddenly become more in-depth as the lawyer begins to see what the client is attempting to envision.

So, here’s to all the mommy lawyers out there: here are our top five lawyer mom blogs.

Are you a lawyer mom? We’re searching for super moms who passionately blog about the challenges of juggling being a mom and an attorney.

Day in the Life of a Lawyer Mom

Kara White, a fellow working mom, joins us in this video from The Defense Never Rests podcast episode 8. Kara walks us through her typical day-in-the-life as a mother of a two-year-old in a busy legal world.

The Law Mother

The Law Mother, Siobhan Fitzpatrick, is a mom of four girls, lawyer, and writer. With no legalese and a lot of humor, she discusses legal, business, career, and parenting issues. After years of conversations with other parents that started with “You’re a lawyer, right? I’ve got a question for you,” Siobhán started writing her blog The Law Mother ( to answer some of those questions, including what are those pesky liability waivers/releases you have to sign for every kid activity, how do you pick guardians for your kids, and her personal favorite, whose responsible when your kid’s favorite glitter shoes are stolen at an indoor trampoline park.

The Law Mother


MothersEsquire are mothers and attorneys. At work and at home, they are Master-Negotiators and Multi-Taskers. At the office, we are the Equity Partners, and at school, we are the Team Coach. We take minivans to depositions and to the carpool line. We read briefs during the day and Goodnight Moon at night. And we’re bringing women together to end the “Motherhood Penalty” in our industry.

Lawyers Who Lunch

Lawyers Who Lunch is a place for attorneys to share their strategies for success as they seek a balance in their professional and personal lives. Our areas of practice may be different and our stories are certainly varied, but our experience as women is shared and relevant to each other. I am so fortunate to be surrounded by a group of women attorneys who inspire me, and encourage me when I’m feeling overwhelmed by the demands of my profession and the struggles of my personal life. While we may not be able to take two hours off during the day with the ‘ladies who lunch’ crowd, we still want to connect with each other about the issues that are important to us as women. So where better than here, at our desks, maybe with a salad or sandwich in front of us as we check our email?

Lawyers Who Lunch

Mom Life and Law Podcast

Megan Whiteside is mom to two toddler boys and a trial lawyer in Washington, DC. I love being a lawyer, and I didn’t expect that becoming a mom would change that part of my identity. Lawyer moms have at least two full-time jobs. We are the badass women in the courtroom, conference room, or Zoom room. And, we are the badass women at home, who carry the mental load, support our partners, and keep the tiny humans alive. We make both worlds better, based on our unique abilities. We get shit done.

Episode 20. Finding Purpose Through Podcasting

But I Do have a Law Degree

I officially left my legal career on March 4, 2011 to stay at home with two adorable boys (and I have since made one more). A few weeks later I decided I wanted to write about it. (For the detailed back story, read my inaugural post, My New Endeavor). Over the years, my blog has become a mishmosh of a mom blog meets lawyer blog meets wine-o blog meets I don’t even know what kind of blog this is blog. If you only want to read lawyer stuff, just click on “Biglaw” under the labels in the right column over there. That’s right, over there… down a bit … you’ve got it …. right there.

The Lawyer Mommy Blog

The Lawyer Mommy brand goes beyond me being one of the best lawyers in Atlanta. I’ve created the space where I handle business, teach you about trademarks and all of the legal aspects of business, but it’s also where I’m free to be myself. This blog connects you with me as a part of my tribe, offers some legal gems and wisdom for fellow black and brown women in business, discusses the everyday wins and losses of being a mompreneur, but also encourages you to handle your business like a boss and keep going.


The Lawyer Mommy Blog

Mom, JD

On these pages, I document a lack of sanity and a lack of “balance”–whatever that might be–since I was barely keeping it all together before baby came along! This is also a place for me to share my thoughts on parenting (as a feminist-, attachment parenting-, equitable parenting-mom… I like labels… find them comforting… what can I say, I’m a lawyer). As such, this blog will naturally reflect my experience on this journey, and that may look different from yours. My goal is not to convert you to my feminist, AP, equitable parenting ways, but I do try to provide ideas & support for those who are toying with these ideas/approaches. I realize there are many ways to raise happy & healthy kids!

Ally Lozano

Remember how you once thought you could have it all? Your own law firm AND a rewarding familyand personal life? And then “real” life happened? You were actually right all along, but you just didn’t have the tools, insights and resources to get there. It’s time to reclaim your vision of what life as a successful female attorney looks like, without apology.

The Pushy Lawyer

There is not a lot of information out there for women with spinal cord injuries on becoming pregnant or what to expect during pregnancy and birth. I ultimately had to look to social media groups which had other women with spinal cord injuries that had become moms to ease my fears based on all the uncertainties of the process. I have decided to include the Mom part to this page because being Mom is by far the most important job title I hold, and also because the more you see moms with disabilities the more normalized I hope it will come for the rest of society. I hope to one day go in public not under the watchful eyes of strangers wondering if I can manage in the community with my kids.

The Velvet Hammer Blog – Karen Koehler

Yes, I’m a lawyer. But I’m also a human being. I have a doggie named Nala. Three daughters. Two sons-in-law. Two grandchildren. Eat oatmeal dipped in crunchy brown turbinado sugar for breakfast. And wear black lululemon leggings as often as possible when not in court. I was a part time lawyer until Noelle entered Kindergarten which was the same time that I became divorced. Seven years later, I became President of Washington State Trial Lawyers Association (now WSAJ). My girls played “office” instead of “house.” They watched trials. Visited with judges in their chambers. When I received the Trial Lawyer of the Year from WSTLA at summer convention, my girls had skipped the luncheon and were on the lake shooting water cannons from their paddle boats. My job has never been separate from my life.

Lag Liv

Lag Liv graduated from law school in 2008, spent 3.5 years as a litigator at a big firm in Austin, and now work as an attorney with the federal government. She became a barre instructor in 2015 now teach two classes a week at local studios, a sweaty and creative side job that I love. I have a passion for cookies, books, french fries, shoes, school supplies, margaritas, organizing things, yoga, and traveling with my crew. I love my job(s!), love my family, and hope you enjoy reading my story.

The Lawyer Mama

I am Sandra. I started this journey about 52 weeks ago when I committed to documenting my first year of dating post-divorce. It has morphed into more than just dating; it is a conversation about real life issues that we face in our 39ish years. The second half of our lives. The real, nitty-gritty stuff. I am a mom to one eight-year-old daughter, who I am completely enamored with. I am also a full time lawyer and I own my own law practice. In between lawyering and mothering, I love to write. I hope you enjoy.

The Mom at Law

I am Candace Alnaji, Esq., lawyer, career strategist, workplace consultant, and proud mom. As founder of The Mom at Law® PLLC, my goal is to provide knowledgeable career guidance and workplace education. I first began writing under the pseudonym “The Mom at Law” in 2016 as a freelance writer. I founded the business side of The Mom at Law in 2017 originally as a creative endeavor that drew on my experiences as a mom and lawyer advocating for other mothers in the workplace.

Law Quill

Hello! I’m Annette Choti, President of Law Quill. Here are just a few tidbits about me. I am a Christian first and foremost, a wife to an amazing husband, and a mom to an incredible daughter. I graduated from law school over 20 years ago from the University of Missouri – Kansas City Law School, and have a current license to practice law in the state of Missouri.  I started Law Quill, because of a need expressed to me by small law firms and sole practitioners to develop their online legal content. Smaller firms simply do not have the time, money (or frankly, inclination) to compete with the massive law firms in terms of online presence and social media content.

Geller Law Group

A Woman-Led Law Firm That Lets Partners Be Parents. Rebecca Geller launched The Geller Law Group to provide high quality, affordable legal services to small businesses, non-profits, families, and individuals. The firm has enjoyed considerable success and has been featured in numerous local and national publications. After spending years working at a top-tier D.C. law firm, Rebecca applies these strategies to GLG clients by integrating big firm philosophies into a small firm practice.

Running from the Law

Sara is a small-town girl turned lawyer, wife and mama to Mac and Mim. I live in St. Louis, Missouri, home of the Cardinals, the Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales and the Gateway Arch. This little blog is where I share my parenting accomplishments (and failures), photography, DIY projects, recipes, favorite products and sometimes just the thoughts running through my head. Our family consists of two spoiled dogs, a cat that thinks she’s a dog, a turtle and couple dozen cannibalistic fish. My husband’s also a lawyer (we met in law school), a fly-fisherman, and his favorite phrase is “please don’t blog about this.” Once upon a time I ran a marathon and didn’t die. When I grow up I want to be a professional taco eater.

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The Sewing Lawyer’s Blog

I live in Lake Worth, Florida (2nd generation Native Floridian). I’m an attorney by day (specializing in family law), but my nights and weekends are filled with all of my other obsessions. These activities usually fuel my creative urges – from chocolate making, jewelry making, quilting, sewing, to writing children’s stories (not published, but always available to be read to my nieces and nephew). I have a love of vintage and antiques combined with a love of futuristic things (think mid-century modern). I have a vintage wardrobe collection that not only do I collect, but actually use and wear. I am very fond of vintage Lilly Pulitzer (growing up in Palm Beach will do that to you), and Vested Gentress (whimsical prints similar to Lilly’s).

The Lawyer Mom

Well, five years ago next week I became “Cordelia’s Mom.” Before that I had been many things: a sister, a daughter, a teacher, a law student and now was known as “you know? That pregnant lawyer up on the Square?” By the point in my career where I went out on my own I had been out of law school some years and was working as corporate counsel for a large company. The money was great but the commute sucked, the hours were hell and the people were crazy. Literally. Not to mention I had a sneaking suspicion that what they were doing was not all on the up and up and so I began to plan my departure.


Kaleidoscope Living

I’m a professional blogger. Yes, that is really a thing. I was a civil trial lawyer for over 13 years. Yes, it was stressful. No, I didn’t set out to become a professional blogger, but when my hobby blog started getting readers other than friends and family, I thought I might be on to something, so I grew it into a full-fledged business. I gave up my partnership at my law firm in January 2016 to blog full-time. Yes, I’m serious. No, I don’t regret it. In fact, it’s the best thing I have ever done for myself and my family. In the midst of crazy busy lives full of work, kids, homework, housework and well, LIFE, our homes should be our happy place–the one place we would rather be than anywhere else.

DIY lawyer blogger Tasha Agruso

Read Books. Drink Coffee

After college, I went to law school, which, quite frankly, was another way to keep reading. The bulk of the work in law school is reading and analyzing cases (which are like miniature stories). I couldn’t let my reading stop there, though. My husband and I have six children, and for two decades now, I’ve read aloud to them, from picture books to The Chronicles of Narnia. In fact, we homeschool, so I’ve been blessed to teach them how to read and to nurture them into avid readers themselves.

Mom Life Simplified

I’m Camie, a wife, mother, lawyer and now a blogger.  As a wife and mom of three active boys ages 9-15, our lives are crazy! Now that my kids are getting older, in addition to their school and sporting activities, we have social calendars to maintain, not to mention work responsibilities and just the day-to-day living to keep up with. This can all be a lot to manage! As many of my friends are trying to juggle the same things, nothing makes me happier than a phone call or a text asking for my advice.

Mom Life Simplified

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