Best Mom With Big Families Blogs

Top 25 Moms with Big Family Blogs

25 Best Big Family Mom Bloggers & Websites To Follow

The mom blogs on this list inspire me in a variety of ways. Many of these mommy blogs are large, but I also included some that are smaller. I enjoy reading small mom blogs because they can sometimes provide the most insight into juggling it all.

Are you a mom with a big family? We’re looking for moms who blog about the rewards and challenges of raising five or more children.

 Generation Cedar

I’m a mother of 11 with a passion for emboldening Christian moms in the trenches. Where truth is spoken, vision is cast, and hearts are encouraged. I believe so much in the importance of motherhood and family, that I’ve written here for 10 years about it. What you need is some encouragement and a reminder that you aren’t just cleaning a house and feeding hungry people. We are a very normal family (who happens to have 11 kids) with ups and downs, tears and laughter. Most days are busy wonderful, others, not so much, but all of them a gift of grace by Him who delights in giving good gifts to His children.

A Baker’s Dozen and Apollo XIV

I am a mom to 14 and a professional photographer. I love reading, knitting, coffee and throwing awesome themed parties for my kids. Motherhood is hard. Too hard to not enjoy it along the way. I remind myself of this constantly. If things aren’t fun, if I’m not enjoying being a mom, something’s wrong. That’s when I take a step back and see what I can do to add a little more fun into our lives. PLAN. That’s my tip. Cooking for a crowd as big as mine, is nearly impossible without some kind of plan. Every time I get lazy about planning I regret it. Ideally, I plan our week’s worth of meals on the weekend, doing the shopping AND prep our veggies and meat ahead of time. This way, even when life gets crazy, we all get fed.

Back to Ancient Ways

As the Mother of 8 Blessings, I share my journey of mothering my children with the intention to let them become everything God intends them to be, growing in Godly character, discovering their gifting and godly calling, for His glory. Having grace on myself and everyone else especially little ones around me. To be the Mother of my big family is impossible without some planning and orderliness. I’m a free spirit, orderliness doesn’t come naturally to me at all, and I’m also a perfectionist, thus the need for grace on myself and my little ones. To experience the grace of the Lord on me in my daily struggle, when I have no idea how to do it, and joys when things just fall in place, is often so overwhelming, and something I hope to extend to my children without hesitation.

My Barefoot Farm

Homeschooling, kids, family, sustainable farming, quilting and a life beyond blessed! Patience! Many people think that moms with large families must have been born with tons of patience, but the reality is that we often learn it through the process of raising so many children.  Always write out a meal for at least two weeks’ time. Don’t be afraid to serve simple meals and always plan a simple meal on days you will be busy. For example the days I have to take kids to music classes and activities are hectic so I always fix something like pasta with marinara sauce and a salad. This is my meal every Monday. I also plan ahead and prepare something I can freeze for days when we have lots planned. It helps to be prepared in advance.

5. a big (little) family

Married nearly 11 years, I’m mom to six kids born within eight years and expecting a seventh in the spring. Writing of life, laughs, lessons learned, homeschooling, sewing projects, and random thoughts that scatter my brain each day. Each of my four older children, ages 4, 6, 8, and 10 have a list that they must go through, step by step, each morning. Repetition builds skills, so they keep their same lists for months or even years. I do my best to always give the job to the youngest capable child – the older ones will always tend to get dumped on, so this divides things more evenly. Each child has a “buddy” that they are to help as well – buckling in the car, getting them dressed, helping them when they ask. This has been amazing for building the relationship between siblings and gives me more time for other tasks. Life’s always full steam ahead, there’s never an end to the work to be done, but when the kids pitch in to help, we can all have a little bit more down time.

a big (little) family

6. Ordinary Time

Life in the Big, Ugly House with 10 children… I write about parenting, adoption, homeschooling, homemaking, and lots of books. To focus on what’s really important. I used to think it was making sure my children were well-dressed and presentable all the time and that my house looked as close to a magazine as possible. When you get to a certain number of children, it helps to clarify what is really important… focusing on who each of my children is and how to help them become the best person they can is far more important than whether each child’s socks match.

6. Life With Seven Kids

Lot’s of Laundry, Lots of Dishes, Lots of Kids, Lots of Love. Mom of seven (and one on the way!) blogs about kids, farming, life and love. All children are individuals that have different needs. There are surprises around every corner and as I suspected, life is very amazing and rewarding with a big family.  I like to make 2 or 3 dinners in one afternoon or evening –that way if one kid doesn’t like something I’ve made they can have another dinner. That’s not why I do it though. I do it so it can all go in the fridge as “leftovers” and we have something already prepared to eat for dinner or lunch for several days.

8. Yes They Are All Ours

I share glimpses into my somewhat crazy life as a home-schooling mother of ten children, while seeking to encourage other women to find joy and fulfillment in embracing their high calling as wives, mothers, and keepers of their homes. Having a big family has taught me so much about motherhood! I like to say that I started off with ten theories about child rearing and no children. Now I have ten children and no theories! One of the most obvious things I’ve learned from having a large family is that no two children are alike! Parenting strategies that worked for one child don’t necessarily work for another child! As a mother, I’ve had to learn to look at each child as an individual and parent them accordingly. Some children require strong discipline to turn from disobedience and foolishness, while others only require a word of admonition and correction.

9. Large Families On Purpose is primarily a blog page where encouragement and resources can be found that will benefit families of all sizes but focus primarily on larger families and families who look forward to God growing into a large family. That it’s crucial for my own character to be growing, not just the children’s, as the Lord leads me. That I must have a plan/schedule in place for our week in order to be productive and balanced. That I need to be *proactive* and *on purpose* instead of reactive in life with the children, and that this is far less draining than letting the urgent or whims rule everything. And that all these principles are Biblical – providing excellent examples of how the Lord’s instructions to us in His Word are really the only to live life successfully in His eyes and with joy and *life*. *smile*

10. Halfdozenscrambled

I love my Jesus, my husband, my kids. I’ve been a teacher, a home schooling mom, a small business owner, an international traveler, a public school parent, and a special needs mom. I’ve got six kids, some biological and some adopted. I don’t recommend anything that could be bought at the store. There just isn’t any substitute for a kid’s imagination, combined with a stick, a tree, and a pile or mud for my kids. Right now they are involved in setting up pretend stores at various points of the backyard. Their currency is pebbles and sea glass from the stream; their products are mud pots, woven grass mats, and sticks. They are having a ball, making a mess, and they are the envy of the neighbors. The neighbor kids have come in with their own currency (beads from Hobby Lobby) and hand made products. Between the kid economy, the swimming pool down the street, and the ongoing bike riding games, it’s going to be a great summer on our street!

11. Garden Goat Quote

I live with 9 children (kids?) 21 -3 years and yes all my own…same marriage etc.. For years everyone has told me that I should have my own show or write a book…I write as the Garden Goat so my teenagers will still speak to me. Well in starting with the obvious…when you sit down in maple syrup and it is still dry… it is indeed a good day. I have lowered my expectations concerning housework (and just about everything else)…although I am still a laundry fanatic. The more I watch my kids grow the more I realize how little I truly know. My children teach me more than I ever thought was possible to know. Each child is so amazingly different.

12. 5 Boy And 1 Girl = 6

Our journey with our amazing 6 kiddos and alittle something extra!

13. Our Journey of Faith

I had my first 6 babies in 6 years. Everyone thought we must be done. Then … we added 6 more. I am a homeschooling, pie making, scrapbooking, faith walking, miracle believing, Jesus loving wife of 30 years, mother of a dozen. Every child is uniquely created and gifted by the Lord, and we need to learn how to parent each one in the way that they need to be uniquely parented. (Even our identical twins needed to be parented quite differently, which created quite the challenge sometimes.) When all my kids were still living at home, I made a monthly menu plan, and did a big monthly grocery shopping trip to make sure we had everything needed for the menu. This saved me a LOT of time and money.

14. Raising Olives

Second-generation homeschooler, mom to 11 blogging about organizing, homemaking, healthy living, homeschooling, project tackling and life with a large family. I’m a homeschooling mom of 11 and here on Raising Olives I share about what I’ve learned; tips, ideas and some of the ups and downs of managing a home and raising children for the glory of God.

15. Finding Joy

Real and authentic. Finding Joy celebrates living an intentional joy-filled life — from raising seven kids, homeschooling, gluten free living, dealing with Celiac Disease, to learning to love the little things, the moments that matter

I Choose Joy!

I’m Gena, a homeschooling mom of 8 children, ages 12 and down. My wonderful husband of 15 years is also my best friend! I give all praise to my Lord Jesus and my hope is that by joining me here you will be able to choose joy! Motherhood is challenging no matter how many children you have. It was hard when I only had one, it was hard when they were all little, and it’s hard now that they’re growing up. Motherhood is sanctifying, and I pray daily that I will meet the challenges God places before me with boldness, strength, and grace–because I do fail often. A number of years ago I heard a mom of 8 (Kym Wright) say, “think once and write it down.” The more automatic it can be, the better. Don’t reinvent the wheel each week. Have your recipes organized, a personalized shopping list that you can just circle what’s needed, and make extra to freeze!

17. Mom Delights

A Christian homeschooling mother of 15 encourages others on their journey of motherhood. Having a big family has taught me that there is a dichotomy about motherhood; we have to be very, very sensitive, grace-filled and loving while also being tough and strong.  I tend to keep my pantry stocked with foods that we can afford and that are versatile. Then we plan meals a few days ahead to keep us from relying on the “easy fixin’s”! I do major shopping at the beginning of the month to fill up our pantries, then I only go to the store for perishables the rest of the month, being very strict to stay within our budget.

18. Life on the Funny Farm

Where the critters outnumber the humans, the children outnumber the grown-ups, where love can be found in abundance, and good judgement is in short supply. I’ve learned a thing or two about patience. I’ve also learned that all the control stuff I thought was so important when I had the first kid or two aren’t so important after all.  Much of the time when I’m cooking, I cook up double, One for dinner and one for the freezer. Instead of using casserole dishes, I use gallon ziplock bags so they take up less room.

19. an ordinary mom

Blogging my way through my busy days raising, homeschooling, and just plain enjoying our 9 children- one day at a time, by the grace of God! I come from a family of creatives, and I married into a family of creatives. I’m not gonna lie, it’s pretty awesome. (As long as I can keep from comparing. You know that Pinterest-pressure so many women are bemoaning? That’s my life.

20. Mom to 16

The daily blessings and heartaches of a large family made up of yours, mine and ours. Adoption talk and special needs children are a frequent blog topic on the blog. Always transparent and always real. That being a mother is hard work. All mothers think that they fail sometimes and we are our biggest critics. We should support one another much more! Meals don’t have to be so something fancy and sandwiches can be made a lot of different ways. Panini makers are the best. If you do cook a big meal double it so there will be leftovers or a freezer meal for later.

21. Smiles and Trials

Welcome to the place where I share about my fun, loving, and amazing LARGE family! John and I are raising our fifteen kids joined together through birth and adoption– and here I share the trials and the smiles! Please join us!

22. Pink Slippers

20, 17, 16, 15, 13, 12, 11, 10, 8, 7 & 5 yrs oldI am a Mommy to TEN incredible cupcakes, 13 years old and under and a devoted wife to my best friend. I am a homeschooling Mommy to my 13,10, 8, 7, 6 and 5 year olds.

23. HomeBody

Our FamilyChronicles of our family: loving on our 6 kids, homeschooling, homecooking, homemaking. . . hopefully for the Lord’s glory. (with some fun quips, fun photos, and fun recipes thrown in!) I thought I was a great mother when I had one child. When we had our second child, I thought that things were still pretty easy and I gave myself a lot of credit. With our third child, I acknowledged that some children were definitely more challenging and I still thought I was up for the task (given time and grace!). Now, with six children, I know that I hardly know anything. And what I did know, I’m forgetting (which is why I blog), or has proven wrong! I’m realizing that motherhood is more about GRACE than anything else.

23. The King Squad

Witness as I stumble through this beautiful life with my husband, the love of my life, and raise our twins, a single, and quads. Yes, that is 7 children, with 5 that are age 3 and under. Oh, and I also work full time! Motherhood? I used to believe that being a Mother meant being in control. And my OCD brain thinks being in ‘control’ is actually controlling the children. And as a first time mother I sure spent a lot of effort and my energy trying to ‘control’ my twins. However, now, 7 children later, I feel that ‘controlling’ my children may be too harsh. I don’t want to take away from who they are, so now I simple try to guide them.

25. It’s Twinsanity

Life with a military husband, seven children, and all the crazy you can imagine. In a house with two pairs and three spares, there is never a dull moment! Having a big family has taught me patience, humility, and the ability to not sweat the small stuff. I spent so much time in “survival mode” when six of my children were under the age of six, that it taught me to focus only on what was most important and forget the rest. I like to make extra meals in large batches to freeze. Then I have a fast, healthy meal to reheat on the nights when I’m too busy to cook a full meal from scratch. I’m not great at meal planning, but I have learned to love to cook and to cook in bulk.

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