best Teacher Mom Blogs

Top 25 Teacher Moms Blogs

25 Best Teacher Mom Bloggers & Websites To Follow

These teacher mom blogs that have taught me a thing or two, made me laugh or cry, and reminded me that I am not alone in this sometimes stressful, always awe-inspiring profession. Below are my favorites which include moms that write elementary teacher blogs, high school teacher blogs, and middle school teacher blog.

Are you a mom who is also a school teacher? We’re looking for teacher moms who blog about personal classroom stories, creative lesson plans and ideas, and who share educational resources that help both moms and teachers!

Kid World Citizen- activities to help young minds go global

A database of fun, educational activities to help kids learn about the world, featuring diverse recipes, celebrations, multicultural art projects, foreign films, children’s literature, world music and more. When children are able to experience the world outside their neighborhoods, they begin to understand how we are all connected, and how things work.

Kid World Citizen Founder

Seeing different perspectives helps children to become more globally aware, but also increases their creativity and problem-solving skills; the “real world” lessons make what they’ve learned in class or in books to come alive.  Field trips! Visit a farm, the zoo, museums, houses of worship, government buildings, radio/TV stations, business districts, factories, orchards, airports, train stations, bakeries, cultural centers, universities- the list is literally endless when you begin to think of the myriad of opportunities in our local communities.

The Mommy Teacher

This blog is written by two Early Childhood teachers who are both now stay-at-home moms to three young children each. We enjoy sharing our teachable moments at home to encourage parents to teach their children one activity at a time. Teachers give homework to benefit children and inform families as they practice and reinforce skills that are being taught in the classroom. I would encourage parents to talk openly to teachers about the homework without “protesting” or being cynical. Learn from the teacher’s choice in homework assignments, and use homework as a tool to be intentional with your child. Break the homework up into segments and take time in between assignments for a brain break, snacks, etc. My favorite activity outside of school is playing games! My oldest just recently grew out of the “we play by my rules” and “I always win” phase and we can actually play board games by the rules! This was such a joyous yet unexpected milestone to reach! It is so cool to see him strategize… his goal isn’t to win but to make the game last as long as possible because it is so much fun!

Boy Mama Teacher Mama

Boy Mama Teacher Mama LogoBoy Mama Teacher Mama was created by an elementary school teacher and mother of two young boys. BMTM offers a wide variety of activities that can be done at home or in the classroom with a special emphasis on issues. I recently finished teaching a week of camp to 3-12 year olds. The theme was Games Around the World. Throughout the week, I taught the children 30 or so different games from other countries. The games taught students about other cultures, asked them to work together as a team and many of them also incorporated skills such as strategizing, predicting and problem solving all of which are important skills for children of any age. Homework is a tough one. So many people have differing opinions about whether or not to give homework and how much is too much and how much is just right. An honest conversation between parent and teacher is the best first step. Some suggestions I would make are to break the homework into smaller more manageable bits- a little each night or before school if possible. If it is still unmanageable, the parent/teacher team will have to work together to find a way that the necessary work gets done and, at the same time, the child is able to feel successful.


roommom blog buttonThe parent with the teacher’s perspective. Just a simple teacher mom trying to save the world from bad teacher gifts and incomplete homework. Ask the teacher to explain the time expectations and amount of work that a typical child receives on a nightly basis. I had this happen to my son last year. When I spoke with the teacher, I realized my son was completing all of the optional work too! The teacher gave free reading and math assignments that needed to be completed over the course of the week not each night, It made a big difference in our workload. I would look at your at-home homework routine first. Is your child getting interrupted often? Is there a special area in your home that is conducive to completing school work? If all is set up correctly at home, then approach the teacher.

Kindergarten’s 3 R’s: Respect, Resources and Rants

I love to share silly stories, teacher tips, crafty how-tos, bulletin board ideas and the occasional coffee-fueled rant at Kindergarten’s 3 R’s. For 18 years, my Super Stars have been the source of my professional focus and joy! In kindergarten, many children get lots of hands-on practice during school hours. They work on developing their fine and gross motor skills, and are introduced to literacy, math, science, social studies, and creative arts concepts. They socialize and problem solve as they work independently or with partners, small groups, and the teacher. What looks like “just play” to adults is actually exploration and real-life practice. Learning by doing, kindergartners immerse themselves in projects and curricular activities planned and facilitated by their teachers. Many children are so focused and involved in the busy job of learning that they require rest or a nap each afternoon!

Learn with Play at home

Mum of 2 and teacher-on-leave, Debs, shares fun, creative and hands-on activities, ideas and more. With handy tips for parents and educators on how to simplify, extend and get the most learning out of each activity. Perhaps one of the easiest ways for parents to provide something both educational and useful for their child would be to involve them in the cooking process. Kids in the kitchen learn SO much. From maths and scientific concepts to language, fine motor skills and building healthy relationships and understanding about food. You can’t go wrong finding a good, simple recipe and starting there. Also, the earlier you involve them, the better! 🙂

Little Warriors

Little Warriors is a Kindergarten blog & a place to gain & share teaching ideas & tips! I am a wife, a Mom to 3 amazing little boys & a teacher to 20-something awesome, adorable Kinders! Please stop by for some ideas and freebies! Yep, I’m a Boy Mom!!! No, we are NOT trying for a girl. And, yes, I DO have my hands full….the two infamous questions that I am asked on a daily basis….and I’m NOT exaggerating ONE. SINGLE. BIT.


Annie Fox’s Blog

''The Girls Q&A Book on Friendship: 50 Ways to Fix a Friendship Without the DRAMA'' by Annie Fox, M.Ed., illustrated by Erica De ChavezAnnie has been an educator for 30+ years. Her focus? The healthy social and emotional development of tweens and teens.Her new parenting book is “Teaching Kids to Be Good People.” We need more good people, right? Reading to and with children! That includes acting out stories, re-imagining the plot with different twists, drawing from imagination inspired by a book parent and child have read together. And of course… writing original stories.

123 Teach With Me

My blog gives advice, information, and provides resources for parents and teachers from toddler age to 2nd grade. The outdoors has so much to offer when it comes to expanding the thinking of a young child. There are so many opportunities for your child to explore and observe the world around them. I always enjoy a good scavenger hunt where your child can move around, interact with others, and be successful. My son enjoys nature scavenger hunts that involve looking at leaves, rocks, and of course bugs. It’s very simple to put together. Find a topic that your child is learning in school or something they want to know more about. Brainstorm a lists of objects that relate to that topic and create your hunt. Scavenger hunts don’t have to take place outdoors. Take your child to a museum with a list of things to find. This will ensure that your child is getting the most out of the visit. The most important part to any activity outside the classroom is that making sure the parent is there for support, guidance, and motivation. Parents are the key to a child’s success and when you take learning outside the classroom, who is left to teach? You, the parent!!!

Curls and a Smile

Curls and a SmileA K-2 educational blog written by a dedicated single mom and teacher. After many weeks of wondering what to name my blog, it finally hit me! One of the things that has always made me so unique is my wonderfully curly, curly hair! And the smile….well, that comes from the fact that I have the BEST family ever and from what I get to do everyday…TEACH! I have a million reasons to smile…so TAH DAH!! Curls and a Smile was born…..

Fluttering Through First Grade

We began job sharing 10 years ago when we were both looking to continue our careers as first grade teachers and begin our new journeys as Moms at the same time. We have become great teaching partners, mommy cheerleaders, and best friends along the way! With over 35 years combined teaching experience, they love creating innovative, engaging lessons their primary students adore. Teaching can be tough sometimes, so keeping it fresh, fun and fluttering along is always top of their lesson plans!

Surfin’ Through Second

Surfin’ Through SecondI am the mother of 2 beautiful girls, 2nd grade teacher, an avid surfer and workout enthusiast. I love sharing classroom ideas, creating digital clipart, drawing and crafting. Honestly I think the most educational activities are just spending quality time with your children. Talking to them and discussing real life situations is what helps them to grow and learn. Unplug from the computer and get out and enjoy a mini field trip to the zoo or aquarium. Even a nature hike and reading all the signs about the animals and plants. Kids learn so much from hands on real life situations. I have read several studies on homework and one thing that I tell other parents is to use the 10 minute rule. 10 minutes of homework per day, per grade level. So If your child is in 1st grade-10 min., 2nd-20 minutes and so on. If homework is too frustrating or cannot be completed on their own then put it away for the night and discuss other options to make it beneficial for their child.


I blog as a former classroom teacher turned homeschool mom to three boys about our experiences, resources, and other good stuff. If a mom thinks her child has too much homework, she should be proactive and find out why. It might mean that there is a problem that is preventing her child from finishing schoolwork in the classroom. First, she should schedule a time to talk to the teacher and find out what is going on. It could mean that the child needs help organizing his or her time, or there could be a distraction in the classroom that is preventing the child from being able to concentrate. In addition, there could be a more serious issue, so these should be ruled out first. We homeschool in between music and art lessons, nature walks, park days, light saber battles, field trips, cooking, and learning to drive–embracing the light bulb moments of discovery and cherishing our spontaneous life.

The Hands-On Teacher in First!

I blog about being a First grade teacher (and just teaching in general) and a Mom! I post ideas on DIY projects, lesson plans, science experiments, and more. It’s a mix of all things that interest this Mom/Teacher/Blogger/SUPERWOMAN! Nature walks! This is something I do with my own children all the time. Sometimes, slowing down and taking a look at the natural world can lead to some great discoveries and discussions. Just recently my family was on vacation and I took my 2 year old and 5 year old on what I called a “Treasure hunt”. We walked a trail at the resort we were staying at and within 10 minutes we had seen 4 bunnies, a flock of pheasants, and found 1 really amazing feather. I took the time to tell my kids a few facts about bunnies and then when we got back to the room I Googled pictures of pheasants so we could see if the feather matched the birds we saw. Learning opportunities can be made in the simplest ways sometimes!

Mommy Teaches

“MommyTeaches” is a blog where you will receive real insight from a teacher of thirteen years and a mother of two boys who are explorers. Mommy’s teach every single day! I always think creating your own board games is an educational activity that can be done outside of the classroom. Children can become involved in creating their own board game based on a specific skill or concept that they have learned in school. It serves as great reinforcement for the child. They will learn and have FUN all in one.

Teach Preschool

This focus of this blog is on providing fun, innovative, informative, and educational ideas on teaching preschoolers. Ideas and observations of teaching preschoolers are shared from my home and from my classroom. Journaling has to be one of my favorite educational activities that can be done outdoors. By bringing a journal to the outdoors, children are able to integrate writing skills and creative thinking with the exploration of the outdoor environment. A little tip for outdoor journals: Don’t feel like the journal needs to be all about writing words. It can include a variety of skills or approaches. For example, drawing a picture of what a child sees or closing your eyes and listening to what your hear while coloring. Making leaf prints in the journal or taking photos of outdoor favorites and then writing something (or dictating) something about the photos.

Mom to 2 Posh Little Divas

MOM TO 2 POSH LIL DIVASA blog that shares crafts, fun learning ideas, family friendly reviews & giveaways and a peek into life with two Posh Lil Divas. I am a wife, Mama to 2 Posh Lil Divas and an educator. I love making learning fun both at home and in the classroom. I am an unabashed Disney fan, love family travel and am not afraid to seek adventure with my family. I am also an avid reader and love to share book reviews.

Third Grade Tidbits

Tidbits from a third grade teacher, wife, and mom to a two year old. As teachers, we don’t give homework to make kids sit around for hours a night. We give homework for students to practice current or review skills and so that parents can be actively involved from home. I know I try to only give 10 minutes of homework per grade level, so my third graders get 30 minutes of homework (outside of reading and studying nightly). If you notice that this isn’t the problem, and your child really does understand everything, calmly talk to the teacher. It could be work leftover from class that was unfinished, or it could be that the teacher gives more than you would expect. But never go in negative when talking to the teacher. Most teachers understand parents and don’t want students to be doing homework for hours. They just might not realize that they are assigning too much.

Tickled Pink Mandy

My PhotoI am a mom to a 4 year old boy and 9 month old boy/girl twins. This is my 8th year teaching first grade. One of my favorite educational activities that I do inside my classroom as well as at home is observe caterpillars turn into butterflies. It is very easy, interesting, and educational for the whole family! Check out library books that talk about the butterfly life cycle, watch videos on you-tube, track the growth, etc. Your family will love it!  If a mom thinks her child has too much homework I would recommend talking to the teacher and voice concerns. I would also have the mother talk with other moms to see if their child is having the same amount.

The Imagination Tree

About The Imagination TreePacked full of ideas and activities for creative play and learning in the early years! Art, science, maths, investigations, motor skills and a whole lot of PLAY, with learning intentions attached! My name is Anna and I am a primary school teacher from the UK with a specialism in early years education and art. I taught for nearly 10 years in a large inner-city primary school as the head of early years and art and was a lead early years teacher for the local borough, helping newer teachers.

The Educators’ Spin On It

The Educators' Spin On ItWe are experienced educators and practiced parents of 3 each who enjoy sharing ways to become your child’s first teacher.  Making everyday moments into teachable opportunities is the focus of The Educators’ Spin On It. The site was created by educators, certified educators and experienced teachers, currently work at home moms, who have found blogging and Pinterest as a key social media tools to share resources with parents. We believe that parents are their children’s first and most important teacher. You will find activity ideas on The Educators’ Spin On It about reading, math, science, literacy, cooking, gardening, crafting, writing, and learning a second language for Ages 0 to 8.

Mommy Lessons 101

Two past full-time teachers share life lessons on being a mommy, chauffer, nurse, short order cook, housekeeper, couponer, teacher, party planner, referee, playmate… It’s not easy, but it’s the most rewarding job there is! Applying learning to everyday activities. Everywhere we go, my husband and I take the opportunity to teach our kids. When we were recently on vacation, my kids were trying to figure out how fast our houseboat would get us to our destination. My husband taught them all about time and speed and before I knew it, they were calculating how long it would take. I LOVE this – real life application that shows the kids purpose. Other fun things: Teaching math through lemonade stands. Learning science through cooking. Experiencing history through traveling. Exploring the outdoors to learn about the specific trees/animals from the classroom. Reading signs on the freeway or at the grocery store. Practicing business by selling at a local farmer’s market. Education is built upon from real life experiences and whether in the classroom or in my home, I think it is invaluable to show kids the real life of all this learning!

Learning to play and playing to learn

After over a decade teaching young children, I now have an opportunity to learn to play and help my 2 year old play to learn. This blog follows our play and learning from a young age up to now (with some kindy learning for good measure).

The Moffatt Girls

The Moffatt Girls is a blog created by elementary school teacher turned stay at home mom! This blog is devoted to creating teaching resources/curriculum for both teachers and homeschoolers. I am a stay at home mom, wife and a former elementary school teacher. I loved teaching, but I love raising my girls even more! I desire to see our girls grow up well rounded, enjoy life and love Jesus.

In Lieu of Preschool

Throughout my life I have found myself working in childcare and teaching roles. It seems I naturally gravitate towards those types of positions. I spent several summers as a preteen and teen doing M-F babysitting jobs. I taught Children’s Church and Sunday School as a teenager. During college, I worked part-time for 2 years in the one-year-old class at a preschool and subbed in other classes on days I didn’t have college classes. I also cared for a little boy while in college for 2 years as a nanny. As an adult, I have taught Sunday School, and I’ve tutored off and on for the past 3 years (3rd-7th graders in reading and writing).

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