Why Retire

Why Retire

Why retire?   You will hear this question all the time when you start talking about retirement.  People will come out of the woodwork asking you all kinds of stupid questions and peppering you with facts and figures about health insurance, pensions, running out of social security, and that people are living longer.

They will even question you about enjoying retirement As if enjoying life is just something you squeeze in around a long work week.  They might even insist that you tell them your reasons to retire.

People will think you are lazy and have lost it.  They will wonder how you will pay your bills and they will be worried you will mooch off of them.  They will ask you in a way that suggests the answer is no – should you retire?

They will say how can you quit retire early and retire to enjoy life, you need to keep working until you drop.

So be careful who you confide your retirement dreams to.  Hardly anyone will say that you deserve to retire early.  Most everyone thinks you have no reason to retire.  They think your only purpose is to work.

My reason of why retire is that I am just sick of not having the time to do what I want.  I am tired of getting up really early to read and write about my part-time businesses.  I do this because I work the normal 40-hour-a-week job.

So I get up early to do this, but just as I am getting into the swing of writing I look at the clock and see that I have to hustle up and get ready for work.  I am always rushing off to work.  I want to be a free spirit doing what I want to do but am a slave to the clock.

I rarely stay up late during the week because I have to be rested for work.

I rarely do much on the weekends because I need to rest for work.

Why Retire

Do you get me?  If your whole life is based around hustling off to work, preparing for work, getting to work, spending most of your days working, and then not doing things in the evening or weekend that would hamper your work day,  you will not have much of a life.  Do you see why you need to retire?

I am hating it more and more the older I get. I am ready to retire and start living.

This could be your last day.  You don’t know how much time you have left.

Even as a young single man I rarely did anything fun during the work week in the evenings.  I did not want to be tired at work.  I was ready to retire young 20 years ago.

Sundays were always a wasted day for me.  Sundays were just a preparation for a work day not a day off.

I want more from life than just working for someone else and preparing for work.

I want to live.  I want to stay up late and get up early doing something I want to do and then be tired during the day.  Then having the freedom to take a nap.

I want to stay out late on a Sunday night, maybe driving back from somewhere great.  I don’t want to drive back Sunday morning.  I want to drive back Sunday night.

Do you see how much more there would be to live if you had this kind of freedom?  I want to retire happy.

Why retire?  Because then you can live.  Because then you can enjoy it.  Because then you could have a life.  Your retirement matters just as much as any other good thing in your life.

When you retire early you have a chance at living a great life, like this fascinating couple – Retire Early Lifestyle.

Because then you will beat death at his own sick game. You will enjoy years of happy, relaxed living.  You will have the free time you crave.  You don’t want to end up dead before retirement.  You want to enjoy years of retirement with your health and your vitality intact.

I think that your life, your happiness, your enjoyment, and your free time are deserving of your attention.

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